Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beards, Boobs & Bangs

Subject: Hi
Hey whats up?
I'm trying to meet a quality woman for myself.
Honesty and loyalty are a SERIOUS deal to me.
I'm all good. If you want to chat send me a message.
Please read my profile. Its thorough and its the TRUTH.

TRUTH?! Ha. The truth is this 34-year old guy has a beard and lists his body type as "average" when he is clearly overweight/borderline obese. Sorry, but I'm not attracted to guys with beards or man boobs that are bigger than my rack.

ME: Thanks for the email.
However, I prefer to date guys without facial hair.
Good luck on here.

Had he even bothered to read my profile, he would have read that it states I prefer not to date guys with facial hair.

NIBBAN: oops. didnt catch the facial hair part. plus you're a scorpio too.
I read your profile more too. I see HARD CLASH. Sounds to me you need to sow some more wild oats...

As the site is named... plenty of fish...

Have a nice life

I thought that was the last I'd hear from NIBBAN, but oh no, he wasn't done with me just yet.

NIBBAN: I don't even know you and I know you are a bimbo slut.
Rejecting someone because of facial hair is SHALLOW.
Have a good life.

Hope you learn a thing or 2 while because you obviously have alot of growing up to do.

Now, normally I do not post photos of these freaks on my blog, but this guy REALLY pissed me off. He KNOWS I'm a bimbo slut?! Really? lol. So here's what this super classy guy looks like (I blurred it just a little):

I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't immediately shut down my on-line account and run off with him into the sunset.

ME: You say that you're extremely intelligent, but that is clearly not the case. If so, you would have read between the lines. My reply (which in retrospect, I should have just ignored your email) to your email stating that "I do not date males with facial hair" was my nice way of saying " I don't date guys who look like their neck is trying to swallow their head." No wonder why you're single. Act like an adult and learn to deal with rejection.

Focus on growing out your bangs some more and less on emailing perfectly decent women with insulting nonsense.

Have a nice day!

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